In this section we can offer you a assortment especially for retail stores and food warehouses. We deliver our products also directly to cafes and restaurants.
Further we offer also our product - 5 g Sugar stick – it is sugar packed in the form of practical elegant rectangular tube, size 110 x 12 mm, box of 40 pieces.
Cane sugar is available in 250 g packs and it is ideal packaging for use in bars or at home using. Barmans and bartenders like it for easy manipulation and preparation of the cocktails or mixed drinks. We are packing also gourmet quality Demerara Sugar from Mauritius.
4g Cane sugar - with printing „brown sugar“ in portioned sugar packages is delivered in 400 or 1000 pcs/box. We pack Demerara Sugar in eco-friendly sachets.
2g Cream powder in portioned universal yellow packages is very practical product used in cafes, offices, snack bars, etc.